Find Your Unique Voice to Write With Impact

GUEST BLOG - Contributed by Brienne Hennessy,

Your Vocal Vitality

Do you want to amplify your message and reach more people? In this blog post, guest blogger Brienne Hennessy of Your Vocal Vitality will guide you in finding your unique voice and learning to lean into it to make your voice heard. Read on to find out how to tap into your inner power and make an impact.

Your Physical Meets Your Intuitive Voice

Did you know the sound of your voice is as unique as your fingerprint?  Each human voice has a pitch, volume, timbre, and resonance that is individual to them. 

Did you also know the wisdom of your intuitive inner voice is unique?  The soul-guided messages, insights, nudges, and intuitive downloads are meant only for you.  

How is honoring your unique voice, both physical and intuitive, useful in finding your voice and sharing it to inspire others? 

As I reflected on this topic, one observation came through: I don’t resonate with the phrase  ‘finding your voice.’  If you do, that is completely okay (and there are at least 4 TedX talks on YouTube I found with this specific phrase!)  

In this context, ‘finding your voice’ as related to the figurative voice indicates our expression, convictions, and message we are here to share and spread for the highest good and is true for us because we know who we are at our core. Finding our voice when speaking can mean we shift from silence to speaking up.  Finding your voice is important, yet I believe the words we use matter and must align when speaking or writing to be an even truer expression of who we are.  

As for these particular words, ‘ finding your voice’ – You haven’t lost it.  It’s always with you.  Finding puts us in the energy  of ‘seeking and striving.’  I believe those are draining ways of being and moving through the world as if finding our voice is external to us. Instead of ‘find’, I propose embracing the voice already within, honing the skill of listening to and honoring your voice in the present moment.   Aligning your inner voice with your outer physical voice when expressing yourself and your message, to me, this alignment is more potent than anything you could ever find externally. 

This skill applies to both your physical and intuitive/spiritual inner voices.  As you listen to your gentle, loving inner voice, novel,  inspired ideas and realizations flow in.  As you listen to your natural physical voice, you become aware of what sounds, and words feel vibrant, open, and easeful to you.  

One way I enjoy honing my intuitive inner voice is through inspirational and oracle card decks. Colette Baron-Reid has a few decks for free online that are fun to play with; more often than not, the message is spot on. When I asked the Divine what message I was meant to receive and drew this from one of Colette’s card decks, I was again in awe of how readily our guidance is available and the various forms with which it arrives. This was one of my favorite cards: 

“Awakening Genius-The ancient Greeks believed that each person had a specific genius that acted like a spirit guide, inspiring you with new ideas to further your evolution as an individual as well as the evolution of all humanity.” Today, can you imagine cultivating a playful relationship with this extraordinary spirit? (YES, I CAN!)  If you can, you’ll recognize that you don’t have to solve every problem with only the knowledge, memories, and experiences you already have accrued. (This keeps us in the past ways of thinking/doing/acting).  Your intellect, in this case, serves as a channel for this spirit of genius and can filter in new information. (There are many aspects of how our bodies can channel information).  How you forge this connection is to get out of your own way and simply allow it to work through you.  The word genius comes from the Latin gignere, meaning “to bring forth or birth,” and shares the same root as the word generate. (As a linguistic major in undergraduate, I love etymology).   You are at this moment about to give birth to a new mode of expression—and a powerful one, at that. Commit to partnering with your genius; only deep satisfaction and success will result. Now is the time  when your inspired ideas matter.”

(Resourced from Colette Baron-Reid, with my inspired input in parentheses)  

While I love this reminder to be curious and playful about new ideas flowing in, I think focusing it on the intellect and mind is only part of the creation. I believe in the mind-body connection, a holistic approach to my work with voice clients and in my life.  Sometimes our intuitive ‘yes’ and our intuitive ‘no’ is a sensation within our body.  If we constantly seek outwardly for who we think we are, what we are to believe, or what missions motivate us, we are missing out on a wealth of wisdom within our own corporal vessel.   When I show my clients how to become more attuned to their yes/no signals, and then build trust in following those signals, they begin to demonstrate more assuredness in what they want to say and more success in how they communicate it to others.  

Your inner voice is unique to you. Your inner intuitive voice is also a channel for receiving those playful ideas, insights, and guidance and having a dialogue with the Divine/Source/God/Universe about the possibilities. Once it’s a clear “yes! I want to move forward with this!” your mind can help you sort & structure it. Allow for the thrill of the new “I never even thought of that before!” moments. When that fresh idea sparks, amplify it by using your physical voice to speak it out loud to bring it forth and to fruition!  

This also holds true for determining your values and convictions. Those create the foundation of your figurative voice, the issues you care deeply about, and the way you choose to express yourself each day fully.  

What is your inspired idea or message that you desire the world to hear? *Breathe* Ask your inner voice, listen, and speak it out with your physical voice.  Then go forth and share your true voice!

-Brienne Hennessy

To learn more about Brienne & her mission to elevate women’s self-worth via their voice, please visit:

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